Pivots for brands that are grounded in the right data

Measure Protocol
June 24, 2020
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Our CMO Paul Neto writes for the American Marketing Association about just how brands can approach consumers who have vastly changed over the past few months. He says that consumers feel most comfortable with proactive brands that communicate clearly and nimble data collection can help organizations do this in a way that resonates. His latest article "Data-Based Pivots for Brands During Times of Change" maintains that new approaches to consumer research can help bring light to a murky situation, and help brands better understand the holistic consumer.

The truth is that people are ready to hear from brands right now and understand what they are doing in the face of the pandemic and other sweeping social challenges that 2020 has brought to the forefront. With emotions and behaviors changing so rapidly, brands need to keep up with consumer insights in order to avoid a misstep. 

Paul writes about a couple of new approaches that can give brands the data they need to inform actions during this turbulent time:

Fast answers to pressing questions. Spending weeks or even months fielding a study, analyzing the data and mining insights is no longer acceptable. Using a mobile-only technology, with highly engaged consumers, like Measure's MSR App, can help. "When you have fast access to consumers that are already participating in data jobs, you can gain the insights needed to find fast answers to questions that will “make your case” in reports, briefs, articles, presentations and other communications—and help you make vital decisions quickly.

Understanding the holistic consumer. Traditional research methods can only get you so far in today's highly connected world. Paul writes "new technology shows some promise for helping us gain the 'complete picture' that will help guide decisions right now." Measure's new "Digital Insights" is an option that gives brands a peek into how audiences are spending their time on their mobile devices - all in a permission-based, private environment.  

He concludes the piece with "Change is the word of the day and it has been all year long. Brands and companies need to know what their audiences are thinking. There’s no time for long market research cycles or incomplete data pictures. New approaches to consumer research can help bring light to a murky situation that is in constant flux."

Find the complete article here: https://www.ama.org/marketing-news/data-based-pivots-for-brands-during-times-of-change/